Wednesday is the big day when we find out if CC is a boy or a girl. Both Jeff and I are VERY anxious for this appointment and I think it is because we know that this is it, our family is complete after this little one is born. There will be none of that trying for a boy just one more time thing happening with us. I am more than happy to have two beautiful blessings in our life, especially since both Jeff and I were only children. It is nice knowing Katie will always have her baby brother or sister to walk through life with. I will reveal if we are having Cole or Carly on Wednesday evening because our appointment isn't until 4:00. Then our wonderful friend, Janice is watching Katie so Jeff and I are going to enjoy a celebratory dinner out. The countdown begins!
whooo hooo! I can't wait to hear!!! :)
SO fun!!!!
I can't wait!
it is wednesday yet? this is torture! Hahahaha! LOVE your new layout, soooooooo cute!
It is torture! I am soooo excited for this ultrasound. Jeff and I are literally counting the hours. We can't wait! I am worried he is going to be disappointed though if CC is Carly. He has made up his mind it is a boy.
He'll be happy either way. It takes a special guy to be the dad of 2 girls, trust me! I don't know though, my feelings about what this baby is keep going back & forth! 7.5 hours to go!
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