Thursday, April 24, 2008


I am happy to report that all of our paperwork is completed and turned in to the various people who need it. Now we just have to wait for everything to go through and hopefully we will have a closing date of May 23!!!!!

Kind of Funny Story: Lately we have had appointments with people after work (ie. the Bank, Title Company, Owner) and therefore we have been splurging and eating our more than usual. This happens for a couple reasons: one is convenience and two because we go to bed so early (9ish) that I don't really have time to cook after we get home. The funny thing is that each time we go out, we pretend we are celebrating and toast ourselves to our first house....but how many times can you toast the same thing? Last night after we finished up at the Title Company we went out to Greek food but we decided that should probably be the last time we  say "cheers" to our new house.

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