I know I am behind on posting but things have been busy and I have been a little stressed. We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with Carly and tomorrow we go back to our pediatrician. If she doesn't have any definitive news we will probably look into seeing a specialist. Last Thursday we got the results back from Carly's stool samples and they were positive for blood. Our doctor said the number one reason for that is from a milk protein allergy which means we had to switch formula. We are now giving her a hypoallergenic formula that is supposed to be easy on her system. It smells nasty and Carly refused it at first, but after a couple days of mixing old with new we were able to make the switch. Sunday was her first day of being on the new formula completely and we were hoping to see improvements right away. However, we are on day four and are still not seeing normal
poopy diapers. Luckily we haven't seen any blood since Tuesday morning but I am still worried. Her diapers are very runny which is how they were when she had to go into the hospital. Hopefully, our pediatrician will tell us that it just takes time for the milk to get out of her system. So, we wait and hope that this is just an allergy and not something else.

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