Tomorrow is my due date and I am hoping that it is also Carly's birth day because then I can say that both of my girls were born on their due date! This week I have had numerous time where I thought that labor was starting but then I would lay down and nothing would happen. So Carly seems quite content inside even though we are very ready to meet her.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and I am still just a little over 1 cm dilated. We talked about the chances of me going past my due date and what the plan would be. He will let me go a week past my due date and after that he wants me to think about being induced. However, I really am hoping it doesn't come to that. Unfortunately, my doctor is going out of town as of Friday so if Carly doesn't come today or tomorrow someone else will be delivering her. Surprisingly, I am ok with that because the doctor isn't there for most of the labor and delivery and I found that having a good nurse is much more important.
So, once again I wait and be patient. I think Katie and I will go to the park or go for a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy this beautiful sunshine that we haven't had for a while.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
If she is born on her due date, I will know for sure that your mom is behind these babies being born right on time! lol. I am so happy for you & can't wait to see Carly. You are a wonderful momma to one baby & you will be a wonderful momma to the 2nd one, too.
Love you. Wish I could be there to help you out. I would come over and spoil you and love on those babies and help you with the laundry and make you some super healthy and amazingly deelicious treats.
Sweet. Now I really miss you!
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