- She loves to clean. She enjoys wiping up her spot at the table and just last night she loved helping daddy unload the dishwasher by handing him the plates (luckily nothing was broken)
- She loves to eat. Her favorite things right now are pasta, bananas, toast, frozen peas, blueberries. She also loves using a fork and spoon and is always trying to be just like Katie.
- She eats mostly finger foods now even though she still only has two teeth.
- She is starting to talk all of the time. While she isn't saying many actual words, she has perfected "hi" and "eye". And just like Katie, she loves saying "hi" to everyone wherever we go.
- She is consistently sleeping through the night and has gone a whole week now of not waking up until 6:00 which I am VERY happy about .
- Both of my girls are very musical and love to dance and play the drums. Carly bobs her head to the music and tries to dance just like big sis.
- They also love playing with their baby dolls and Carly is becoming very motherly. She shares her binky with her baby and pushes her around in the stroller.
- Playing on the couch is one of her favorite things right now and she can almost get up on it all by herself.
- And last but not least she is close to actually running! Once again, she wants to always keep up with her big sister.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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