This past week both Jeff and I have been on vacation. Since we are going on a big road trip to visit family in Montana in two weeks we decided to stay close to home this week. And speaking of road trips, I am dreading the drive so if anyone has travel tips for toddlers PLEASE PLEASE share them with me. Katie will do great (I think) but Carly is the one I am very worried about. Ok, but back to this weeks happenings. Monday and Tuesday we just stayed home, recovered from the wedding, and did some house cleaning and organizing. Wednesday was a big day because I got to meet Jeff's biological mom, Maryann, for the first time. She lives in California with her husband, Ruben and while Jeff met her when he was 19, this was the first time they visited us here in Bellingham. Jeff's parents met them and the girls also got to meet two of their cousins, Jewell and Zoe.

It was a wonderful day of visiting and getting to know each other and of course Jeff bbq'd some delicious ribs for dinner. Maryann and Ruben, thanks for coming up was great to meet you both!
starting from the left: Katie with Papa, Grandma Sylvia, Jeff and Carly, Maryann with Jewell, Ruben (and little dog, Precious), Zoe |
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