Thursday, July 26, 2012


My girls are early risers which means I rarely get any alone time in the morning.  That also means that I rely on Sprout in order to have a cup of coffee in peace.  And after a little Fireman Sam, Barney, or Clifford, they get busy.  This particular morning I looked at in the garage where we keep the play kitchen now and discovered this....
my monkey and her cautious sidekick

My little smurf artist getting creative with the blue chalk. 

I finally took some time to do a thorough cleaning of the car including the removal of car seats. I had no idea the girls would have so much fun playing in their own front yard car.

Notice Tinkerbell is properly secured and ready to go

That's all for now....happy almost weekend!

1 comment:

Me Too said...

I Love everything about thsi post. so cute!!!

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