Friday, January 2, 2009

Quick Update

I don't really feel like typing much because I am very emotional today and if I start writing I will probably start crying again. However, I do want to give everyone a quick update but it is an easy baby yet and no signs of labor. If anything I feel better than I did last week which I am not happy about. I want the pain of those contractions to come (that sounds crazy but it is true)! So, I am going to try and stay busy today by putting away Christmas decorations, cleaning a little, going grocery shopping, going for a walk, and maybe start reading the book Jeff got me for Christmas (Twilight). So, thats the plan for Katie and I today.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I was an emotional FREAK the last few weeks before Cameron came! Cried at least 4-5 times per day about happy and sad stuff (and how much my back hurt, and how little sleep I was getting, how much I was sweating, etc). Baby Katie is just around the corner!

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